Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Treatment in Downtown Manhattan, New York

When your obsessions begin to take control and disrupt your daily life, it’s time to talk to a specialist to find out if you’ve developed obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is a mental health condition that often manifests in childhood, so if you’re a parent in NYC, bring your child to the very best OCD psychiatrist in NYC at Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry to testing and treatment. Dr. Ditzell is a highly acclaimed physician with extensive experience in OCD treatment at every level for every age. OCD medication, combined with OCD therapy in New York clinic, make a difference in how you navigate your life. Call today for a consultation.


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What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly referred to as OCD, is a mental health condition that can lead to extreme distress and anxiety if not effectively treated by an OCD specialist. Everyone has intrusive thoughts occasionally, but if you have OCD, these thoughts become so strong and induce such extreme responses that they interfere with your ability to work and perform everyday tasks.

Anyone can be affected by OCD, and it’s not a personality trait that can quickly be dismissed. The thoughts, called obsessions, happen over and over; you have no control over them. Compulsions follow obsessions and refer to repetitive behaviors that become excessive as well.

Instead of self-diagnosing or living in shame or embarrassment about what you may think are just obsessive random thoughts and behaviors, rely on a firm diagnosis from an expert OCD psychiatrist in NYC at Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry. Get relief and the proper obsessive thinking therapy in New York City, including OCD medication, as soon as possible.

What Are Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

OCD usually manifests in adolescents or those in their early 20s, but symptoms and a definitive diagnosis can occur at any time in your life. Symptoms can become debilitating, often adding to other emotional and mental health conditions, such as mood disorders, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Common symptoms that require obsessive compulsive disorder treatment include:

  • Fear of coming into contact with germs, chemicals, dirt or contaminated substances
  • Inappropriate sexual thoughts
  • Excessive worry about being blasphemous toward your god
  • Violent images in your mind
  • Fear of causing harm
  • A need to have everything perfectly aligned or remembered exactly
  • Obsession about relationships and your partner’s character flaws

Without obsessive thinking therapy in NYC, with an experienced OCD therapist, the only way to stop the barrage of obsessive thoughts is to take action that interrupts the internal dialogue. Even if you know the solution is temporary, in the moment it seems better than doing nothing at all. Common compulsions you may notice if you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder include:

  • Avoiding people and situations that may cause you to act out, possibly harming yourself or others
  • Cleaning and washing in a certain pattern excessively; for example, taking numerous showers a day
  • Praying constantly that you won’t hurt anyone or do the wrong thing
  • Counting until you reach what you’ve decided is a “safe” number
  • Reviewing events or conversations to determine if you said or did something inappropriate
  • Asking for constant reassurance that you’re doing the right thing
  • Repeating routines, activities and body movements

If you think you might be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, call Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry at (646) 751-7908 for evaluation, counseling for OCD, and medication management when appropriate.

Does OCD Medication Work?

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) represent a common medication for people with OCD. You must have a medication management program securely in place to enforce regular use of your OCD treatments for them to work. There’s a wide range of SRIs, and your OCD doctor in NYC may have to try a few different kinds to find the most effective dosage and drug to manage your symptoms.

Some people with OCD can’t take any type of pills or other forms of medicine, directly due to their obsessive-compulsive disorder. Additionally, medication side effects may interfere with your recovery, making certain medications inadequate for your OCD treatment. Follow the advice of our OCD psychiatrist in NYC to manage any side effects. For example, your doctor advises not to take certain OCD medication if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are elderly or prone to confusion or dementia
  • Have a heart condition

Call Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry at (646) 751-7908 to find out which OCD works for you.

What Are Common OCD Treatments in NYC?

The most effective type of OCD treatment is a form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), combined with the right level of OCD medication. In NYC, your OCD specialist at Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry bases your treatment on in-depth interviews and examinations. Various OCD therapies take place in different settings, depending on your needs, such as:

  • Inpatient care. You may require this technique if you pose a danger to yourself or others. It can be voluntary or involuntary. The goal of inpatient OCD treatment is to stabilize you enough to move out of the mental health facility.
  • Group home. Residential care often is the next step after inpatient treatment. You’re more independent, but still rely on a level of supervision.
  • Intensive outpatient care. In this treatment, you see your OCD psychiatrist in Lower Manhattan three to five days a week, while undergoing individual or group therapy.
  • Ongoing traditional therapy. Depending on your behavior, your OCD psychiatrist may only need to see you once a week for 45 minutes to an hour. During this time, your doctor continues to monitor your medication and engage in talk therapy to ensure continued success.

Your stress levels can affect the success of your treatment at any time. When encountering new situations or major life changes, symptoms may increase—requiring additional sessions with an experienced OCD doctor in Downtown Manhattan. The kinds of obsessions you have may change over time, so it’s vital that you develop a long-term relationship with your OCD psychiatrist.

What’s an OCD Psychiatrist?

An OCD psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating obsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental health conditions, such as:

Following a thorough examination, your OCD specialist then prepares a treatment plan that includes OCD therapy and medication management when appropriate. Your OCD treatment is customized to address your specific issues, but it addresses the mental, social, emotional and physical aspects of your condition. Contact Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry today to begin the most effective OCD treatment in NYC and take control of your life.

Finding an OCD Therapist Near Me

OCD can feel overwhelming, but working with experienced professionals like those offering counseling for OCD at Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry makes all the difference. They’ll help you manage the obsessive thoughts and compulsions, build better coping strategies, and bring more balance into your life. If there are other challenges in the mix, they’ll tackle those too—making sure you have the support you need to handle everyday life with more confidence.

How to Find an OCD Therapist in Your Area

If you’re seeking OCD treatment nearby, here are a few tips:

  • Ask your primary care doctor for recommendations.
  • Check with your insurance provider for a list of in-network specialists.
  • Search online for “ocd therapist near me,” “ocd specialist near me,” or “ocd treatment near me.”
  • Look for specialists through professional associations such as the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) or the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • Check with local health departments, community centers, and non-profit organizations.
  • Read reviews of local doctors online and schedule consultations to get to know more about them.
  • Your OCD specialist should be board-certified in psychiatry, clinical psychology, or a related field such as counseling or social work.

At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry our patients have and always will be our number one priority; we take their health and well being very seriously and are pleased to be able to offer psychiatric treatment in a manner like no other practice we’ve come across.

If you think you have a reason to see a therapist, give us a call to set up a consultation at +1 646 751 7908

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See an OCD Specialist in New York City

We are New York experts in providing a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to treating Obsessive-compulsive disorder. For safe and effective OCD treatments, schedule a same-day session with a well-regarded team of therapists and a psychiatrist led by Dr. Ditzell.

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