Why Do I Need Medication Management?
Psychiatric medications are only available with a prescription. Whether you need ADHD medication or another psychiatric drug treatment, an experienced psychiatrist always follows and monitors your reactions and progress to determine whether you’re getting the desired results or if you need changes.
Obtaining the right medications in mental health care is an important part of a treatment plan for several forms of mental illness. The right psychiatric medications make a big difference in your doctor’s ability to bring your symptoms under control so you experience an improved quality of life.
When you need a diagnosis, treatment or medication management in NYC for mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, ADHD or addiction, turn to a board certified doctor who has extensive experience in the field of psychiatry and knows your medical history. At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry in Downtown Manhattan, you have access to the best psychiatric medical care, including new psychiatric medications and a medication management protocol that suits your condition and your lifestyle.
Who Needs Psychiatric Medical Care?
Not everyone who experiences symptoms of a mental health disorder requires medication as part of the treatment plan, but for some, medication is critical to relieving symptoms. Signs that you can benefit from psychiatric medications include:
- Experiencing symptoms that interfere with work, school, hobbies or other aspects of your day-to-day life
- Trying talk therapy with no noticeable improvement of your symptoms
- Being previously diagnosed with a mental health disorder, such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance use disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder — and your current treatment plan doesn’t seem to be working
- Behaving recklessly, taking unnecessary risks and feeling unable to control your actions
- Experiencing intense emotions and feeling unable to cope with the stresses you’re facing
- Having suicidal thoughts
Psychiatric drug treatment can reduce symptoms of mental illness, but they don’t stop the underlying causes or life situations that are affecting your mental health. For many forms of mental illness, the most effective results occur when prescribed psychiatric medications are combined with psychotherapy, also referred to as talk therapy. This treatment is an integral part of the services offered by Dr. Jeff Ditzell.
As part of your treatment plan, your doctor may recommend individual therapy, during which you talk to a trained mental health professional one-on-one to learn new coping skills and ways to respond to situations. In some cases, group therapy is beneficial, since it allows you to connect with other people facing challenges similar to yours. If depression or anxiety is triggered or worsened by family dynamics, family therapy becomes part of your treatment plan.
What Types of Medication Require Medication Management?
Several prescription medications used to treat mental health problems must be continually monitored by a trained psychiatrist. Examples of these medications include:
- ADHD medication. Most medications prescribed to treat ADHD are stimulants, which increase neurotransmitter functionality in your brain to improve how your brain works. Many of these drugs are considered controlled substances with a high potential for abuse.
- Anxiety medication. Several of these substances can control the symptoms of anxiety, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and beta blockers.
- Depression medication. There are different categories of antidepressants to relieve symptoms of depression. Antidepressants change the way your brain uses chemicals to improve your mood and reduce other symptoms of depression, such as lethargy and fatigue.
- Other psychiatric medications. Depending on your diagnosis, your psychiatrist may prescribe and monitor several other types of medications. These include mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics and sedatives to relieve insomnia.
Psychiatric drugs may take several weeks to effectively relieve your symptoms. There’s sometimes trial and error involved in finding a combination of medications that works for you. Over time, your medications may also become less effective, so your doctor may try a different medication or dosage.
If your doctor prescribes psychiatric medication, take it as prescribed. Follow all instructions, such as taking your prescriptions with or without food or at certain times of the day. Report to your doctor if you feel the medication isn’t working or if it’s causing side effects that you can’t tolerate. Your psychiatrist works with you to adjust the dose, taper you off the medication or try another drug.
What Factors Do Psychiatrists Consider When Choosing Psychiatric Medications to Prescribe?
Your doctor considers several factors when determining the best medication or combination of medications for you. Factors your NYC psychiatrist considers include:
- Your medical history
- Your family medical history
- Medications you’re currently taking or that you’ve taken in the past
- Whether you have a history of substance abuse
- What symptoms you’re currently experiencing and their severity
- Whether you may benefit from new psychiatric medications
Psychiatrists complete more than 12 years of study to thoroughly understand the mental health challenges people face. An experienced psychiatrist knows what categories of medications are most likely to be effective. If you have other medical problems, your psychiatrist considers the possible side effects of your medications and how they may interact with medication you’re already taking.
Your Manhattan psychiatrist is also aware that the same medications can affect people differently. Ongoing monitoring is required to make sure the prescribed medications are working as expected and not causing unintended problems.
Will I Always Need Medication Management?
Some people are reluctant to start taking psychiatric medications because they’re uncomfortable with the idea that they may need to take medication on a long-term basis. If you have these concerns, discuss them with your doctor. Some forms of mental illness only require treatment on a short term basis, while other types of mental illness are medical problems that may require ongoing treatment.
Psychiatric drugs don’t cure mental illness, but they reduce symptoms and make it possible for you to lead a more comfortable, fulfilling life. At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry in New York City, you can count on expert psychiatric medical care. The team is committed to providing top-notch psychiatric care, whether you need a psychiatric consultation, medication management or psychotherapy. Contact the practice today at (646) 751-7908 to schedule an appointment in their comfortable NYC office. If you prefer, you may schedule telepsychiatry for an appointment in the comfort of your own home.
See a New York Medication Management Doctor
Explore medication options for Depression or ADHD. Contact an NYC-based team of experienced medication management specialists led by Dr. Ditzell, a licensed psychiatrist, today to get the help you need safely.