Ketamine for Depression

Ketamine for depression is the latest discovery that’s helping many people overcome the debilitating condition. Depression is not a moral weakness, but a recognized illness that responds to the proper medical treatment, often coupled with talk therapy. But for many people with depression, traditional treatment hasn’t worked. In Manhattan, visit Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry in Downtown Manhattan who offers safe and effective administration of ketamine treatment for depression. Call today for professional evaluation and to find out if ketamine's rapid action to treat depression is a potential solution for you.


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Learn about Ketamine for Depression in NYC with Dr. Ditzell

Is Ketamine for Depression for You?

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What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition where your brain causes severe emotional pain. Symptoms include:

  • Feeling low
  • Lacking energy
  • Losing all pleasure in your activities
  • Having appetite and sleep problems
  • Feeling extremely guilty
  • Thinking of suicide

But if you’ve experienced depression, you know that a description or list of symptoms doesn’t capture it completely. Major depression is even more serious than being sad for a long time. It’s a disease caused by processes in the brain, and it leads to serious disability.

Some people with depression can get a lot of relief from medication or therapy, but there are also some people who experience treatment-resistant depression. This means you’ve tried multiple treatments, and nothing worked. If this is you, ketamine treatment for depression might be the answer. When seeking ketamine for depression near me in Downtown Manhattan, rely on the trained experts at the Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry, a leader in ketamine therapy for depression.

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What Are the Types of Depression?

Unfortunately, depression comes in many different flavors. Struggling with mental health conditions like depression in any form can make it seem like life is hopeless. Various types of depression that lead to negative consequences if left untreated include:

  • Treatment resistant depression — where several standard treatments have failed
  • Bipolar depression — where you lose control of your mood and can have dangerous and exhausting highs followed by crushing lows
  • Postpartum depression when you develop depression after giving birth
  • Major depression — depression defined by “episodes” with severe symptoms that last two weeks or more

You can also experience blends of different types of depression, such as anxiety, that often goes hand-in-hand with depression. While these conditions can be devastating and painful, what makes it feel hopeless is if the treatments that seem to work for others don’t work for you.

Ketamine treatment for depression is making waves in the mental health field because it’s especially effective with conditions that have not responded to any form of treatment so far, giving many suffering people hope where they had none before.

What Is Ketamine Treatment for Depression?

Ketamine treatment is the use of ketamine to treat depression and other painful conditions. Ketamine was first used as an anesthetic, but it has now been shown that low doses can resolve treatment-resistant conditions. Several types of treatment include:

  • Esketamine nasal spray for depression, which is similar to ketamine in the brand name Spravato
  • Ketamine infusion for depression
  • Ketamine pills for depression

Being new treatments, the research is still ongoing. Some evidence says that ketamine IV therapy for depression is the most effective, but your situation or preference might lead you to pills or nasal spray. The ketamine for depression cost varies depending on treatment type. Some insurance plans cover the treatment and if you need help, the staff at the Dr. Ditzell’s Psychiatry Ketamine Center NYC have financing options.

How Does Ketamine Therapy for Depression Work?

Ketamine stimulates the growth of neurons. Sometimes it can start working as soon as the same day of the first treatment. This is much faster than the six to eight weeks that most antidepressant pills take, and it can be a literal lifesaver for those who need it most.

Through each delivery system, you have to be monitored for side effects because this is a new treatment. Ketamine therapy is thought to be safe, but there is potential for addiction as well as side effects, especially if you have certain medical conditions. For these reasons, ketamine therapy is done in the clinic so you can be closely observed.

IV ketamine infusion for depression is thought to be the most effective. While you’re receiving it, you may feel:

  • Relaxed
  • Calm
  • Dizzy
  • Nauseous
  • Spinning sensations
  • Sense of not being real
  • Meditative
  • Sleepy

Some of the effects are pleasant and some are not, but they’re all mild and should resolve quickly after the infusion is done. You typically need two sessions per week for several weeks, then one per week for several weeks, and then one every two weeks a few times followed by an occasional booster.

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How Can I Get Ketamine Treatment for Depression?

If you have treatment-resistant depression and nothing has worked, contact our Ketamine Center in NYC, located in Downtown Manhattan for a consultation. Their staff includes medical professionals and therapists who create a holistic treatment plan.

The good news is that there are new treatments like ketamine hydrochloride for depression that are giving hope to those who believed there was no solution. Ketamine for depression near me is a phone call away.

At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry our patients have and always will be our number one priority; we take their health and well being very seriously and are pleased to be able to offer ketamine treatment for depression in a manner like no other practice we’ve come across.

If you’re struggling with treatment-resistant depression or other forms of depression that make life feel hopeless, give us a call to set up a consultation at +1 646 751 7908.

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Experts in providing Ketamine for Depression in New York City

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