Contact Us

Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry
65 Broadway #901
New York, NY 10006
(646) 751-7908 View on Google Maps

Monday-Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday, Sunday: 12AM – 5PM

Complete the form here to send us a message or book a FREE 15-minute exploratory call with one of our New York psychiatrists. We will email you back within 24 hours. Thank you for contacting us.


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Top Mental Health
Services In New York City

Whether you are looking for short-term or long-term care, we have the best psychiatric team in New York City, specializing in comprehensive mental health services. They offer a wide range of treatments, including ketamine therapytelepsychiatry, and various forms of therapy, addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. Our office is located at 65 Broadway #901, New York City, NY 10006