Bipolar Disorder Treatment Specialist in Downtown Manhattan, NY

Our providers have extensive experience with treating anxiety. We have 30 years of experience and many awards for psychiatry, therapy, and mental health coaching. If you’re seeking bipolar disorder treatment in NYC, our team is here to help.


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What Is Bipolar Disorder?

“Today I’m proud to say I am living proof that someone can live, love, and be well with bipolar disorder when they get the education, support, and treatment they need.” ~ Demi Lovato

Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition that causes unusual and extreme shifts in mood, energy levels, and ability to function. It is marked by periods of very high (mania or hypomania) and very low (depressed) moods. Seeking bipolar depression treatment in NYC can help manage these symptoms effectively.

You’re in the right place.

What is the difference between Bipolar I & II?

Bipolar Disorder is broken into two parts, with the main difference being the level of severity. Bipolar 1 is diagnosed when a person has a manic episode; they will have had depressive episodes in the past, and possibly have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Bipolar 2 is diagnosed when a person has had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode. With both types of Bipolar Disorder, people return to normal function between episodes. If you’re unsure about your symptoms, consulting a psychiatrist or bipolar counselor in NYC can provide clarity and guidance toward effective treatment.

Find the right treatment.

Benefits of Bipolar Disorder Treatment in NYC

  • Learn more about your illness
  • Change negative thinking & behavior
  • Improve self care
  • Recognize patterns of onset of symptoms
  • Manage stress
  • Get a treatment plan

Accessing our bipolar therapy in NYC can help you achieve these benefits while improving your overall quality of life.

Help is available

There are many reasons people do not seek treatment for their bipolar disorder symptoms, ranging from their denial of a problem to guilt and shame to not knowing how/when to seek help. Many times a person will put themselves in treatment when they accept they have an issue and are ready to get help, but often times it happens through family and friends intervening. If you are concerned for yourself or someone you know, it is ok to reach out for help.

what is a manic episode?

And , how is it different from a hypomanic episode?

Mania (or a manic episode) refers to an extremely high mood that lasts for at least a week. The person will have increased energy levels with a need for less sleep than normal; they may have an exaggerated sense of their abilities and partake in risky behavior, such as extreme spending, reckless driving, and unsafe sex. During a manic episode, people tend to have racing thoughts and bizarre ideas. Typically the changes in a person’s mood are severe enough to cause disruption and are evident to family and friends.

Hypomania (or a hypomanic episode) is a less severe form of mania. It’s an elevated mood accompanied by behavior that is different from the person’s baseline. During a hypomanic episode the individual is normally able to function in their everyday life; the symptoms do not typically cause the problems that a manic episode can often lead to.

UNDERSTANDING possible bipolar signs & triggers

Bipolar warning signs may include:

  • Insomnia (sleep disturbances)
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Impulsive behaviors or decision making
  • Feeling sad
  • Decreased (or increased) energy

Understand the signs & symptoms

Common Bipolar Triggers may include:

  • Insomnia (sleep disturbances)
  • Life-changing events
  • Seasonal changes
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Drug or alcohol abuse

Understanding these signs and triggers with the help of bipolar therapy in New York City can empower you to manage your condition effectively.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder & Depression in New York City

Depression is a low mood state marked by feelings of sadness and hopelessness, with a loss of interest in activities once found enjoyable. In Bipolar Disorder, a depressive episode lasts for at least two weeks and can have varying symptoms. At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry we treat our bipolar patients with the utmost respect and care through tailored bipolar disorder treatment programs.

To make an appointment to see one of our bipolar disorder specialists for bipolar depression treatment in NYC, click here. Telepsychiatry appointments are also available.

OUR Bipolar disorder Treatment PROCESS

Your first step is to call us to schedule your initial appointment.

Your initial evaluation session provides an opportunity for you to build rapport with the psychiatrist/therapist and provide them with some background about yourself and the reasons you are seeking Bipolar Disorder Treatment. In addition to seeing if you will be a good candidate for Bipolar Disorder Treatment, they will be able to answer your questions regarding services, confidentiality, and what to expect in treatment. With your best interests in mind, you will decide together what kind of treatment will benefit you the most.

At the end of your first session, if you decide to move forward and work with that psychiatrist, you will be asked to schedule further appointments. At your second appointment, you will work with your therapist to set goals for your overall mental health experience and then begin working together towards achieving them.

At Dr. Ditzell Psychiatry our patients have and always will be our number one priority; we take their health and well being very seriously and are pleased to offer expert care from experienced bipolar counselors in NYC.

If you think you have a reason to see a therapist or psychiatrist for bipolar disorder treatment in NYC, give us a call to set up a consultation at +1 646 751 7908

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Experts in providing Bipolar Disorder Treatment in NYC

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